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Free access for NHS workers

What would you do with a reset button for unwanted emotions?

Orpheus has developed a one-of-a-kind app which allows you to quickly reduce the intensity of stressors in your life, freeing you to get back to what matters most. We leverage recent advances in therapy and brain science to safely lower the emotional load of specific stressful or painful thoughts and experiences, without even needing to talk about them.

It is completely different from common therapies or apps which use CBT, hypnosis, or mindfulness, and can be used to complement other approaches or work on its own.

Curious? Scroll down for login information.

Explore Orpheus Academy

So, what do you do?

  1. Find a place where you won’t be interrupted for 15-20 minutes
  2. Go to the “Unwanted Emotions” Module
  3. Press play on the video and follow the instructions


Login information

Please note – the app is not available in app store. To access the app, from your mobile device web browser, click on the link below:


Click on any of the Modules (square pictures), then on the next screen choose ANY SUBSCRIPTION and subscribe using your @NHS.net email address with a password of your choosing.  When prompted, input and confirm the organisation voucher code:


You will get free access. There is an email verification step so check your junk folder if it does not appear.

You can create a button on your home screen by adding the home page of the app to your mobile home screen, as you would with any web page.  There are instructions in the Settings section of the app.


If you are an NHS employee and have an email address other than @nhs.net please contact us at info@orpheusmindtechnologies.com with the subject heading “NHS PRACTITIONER HEALTH HELP”.

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